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Fall 2021 Dues


Typical Dues (per semester- may change between now and next year):
New Member (Pledging Semester)- $655
* New members are not required to pay Parlor fees
Brother- $655


Room and Board (prices per semester): 
Single- $3,500
Double- $3,300

Security Deposit for Live-out: $300
Security Deposit for Live-in: $600 (less any deposit already paid)
* You will receive your security deposit upon graduation if you do not damage any property.

* Brothers who do not live in the Lodge will be charged parlor fees per semester: $250
* Live-In members DO NOT pay parlor fees


Meal plan: $1,000 (includes 5 three course dinners a week, prepared by our very own chef)
*Live- In members are required to get a full meal plan

*Live-out members are not required but can do so if they chose


Parking at the Lodge: $150 per semester


Payment Options/ Scholarship Opportunities:

We know that meeting these obligations can seem intimidating; please know that we understand and will be with you through every step of the process to help make Chi Psi an experience you can afford. Below, you will find some ways Chi Psi gives back financially to its Brothers.


Payment Plans:
Many of our brothers pay both the Alpha and the Alumni Association in installments. Almost all plans that accommodate the needs of new members are taken in account by the brothers.


Employment Opportunities:
There are many ways to work at the Lodge and make some money both for dues and for outside spending. Brothers work wait staff for formal dinners, but many are willing to offer someone else their spot if that person needs to earn some money.


Scholarship Incentive Awards:
At the end of every year, the Alpha Rho Memorial Foundation grants financial prizes to undergraduate brothers who meet certain GPA requirements, gain entry into certain academic honor societies, show substantial improvement, or excel relative to their pledge class.


In special cases, the Alpha Rho Memorial Foundation will seek to support Brothers who lack the means to pay their dues. For more information on this option or on the details of the Scholarship Incentive Awards, please visit


Chi Psi National Awards:

For especially high-achieving undergraduate brothers, there are available larger awards granted by Chi Psi Fraternity nationally to some undergraduate

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